Introduction & Objective: Sexualy transmitted infections (STIs) and AIDS are the most common diseases worldwide. Women are more affected by STIs and AIDS due to gender-related factors such as biological, cultural and so on. This study was conducted to investigate knowledge about AIDS and STIs among married women in Kohgilouyeh & BoyerAhmad Province/Iran.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the urban areas of Kohgilouyeh and Boyerahmad province. Using stratifed cluster sampling, a valid questionnaire covering demographic variables and items related to knowledge about AIDS and STIs was administered to 1379 women covered by the urban PHC clinics.
Results: The mean age of the respondents was 33.3 (SD=±9.3). Most were household (%85) and the mean level of their formal education was 7.2 years (SD=±4.8). The results also showed that women had the most knowledge with the statements that "using condom protects against AIDS" (%63.9) and "asymptomatic persons would be as AIDS vectors" (%65.1). There was a significant relation between education and recognizing AIDS as a sexualy transmitted infection (p=0.004). Albeit, women were poorly familiar with the STIs, the most knowledge was found with gonorrhea (%40.5) and the least with chlamydia (%12.2). The most knowledge was observed with the statements that "STIs would induce PID in women" and "using condom protects against all the venereal diseases" (both %61.1). A significant corelation was found between education and job and fimiliarity with STIs (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Findings showed limited knowledge on sexualy transmitted infections and fairely good knowledge on AIDS. There is need for the promotion of women's knowledge in sexual health field.
Goshtasbi A, Vahdaninia M, Rezaee N. Knowledge of Married Women in Kohgilouyeh & Boyerahmad Urban Areas on AIDS and Sexualy Transmitted Infections. armaghanj 2006; 11 (3) :100-107 URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-722-en.html