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:: Volume 29, Issue 4 (7-2024) ::
__Armaghane Danesh__ 2024, 29(4): 482-496 Back to browse issues page
The Effect of the Intervention Based on the Collaborative Care Model on the Fatigue of Patients with Thalassemia Major
A Karmi Tangbard Sefid1 , M Shams2 , H Ghafarian Shirazi3 , AK Alamdari 4, H Zamani Habibabad5
1- Student Research Committee, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran
2- Department of Health Education, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran
3- Determinants of Health Research Center, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran
4- Department of Nursing, Yasuj University Yasuj Medical Center, Yasuj, Iran , akalamdari@yahoo.com
5- Department of Nursing, Yasuj University Yasuj Medical Center, Yasuj, Iran
Abstract:   (649 Views)
Background & aim: Thalassemia major is a chronic genetic blood disease. This disease causes fatigue in people and affects different aspects of their lives, therefore the purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of intervention based on collaborative care model on the fatigue of patients with thalassemia major.

Methods: The present randomized controlled and blinded clinical trial study was conducted in 2019 on 90 patients with thalassemia major referred to the thalassemia department of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Yasuj, Iran. The random sampling was simple and they were divided into two groups of 45 people, intervention and control. First, a test to determine the fatigue status was taken from the two groups. The data collection tool included demographic information and the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI) questionnaire. And then for the intervention group, training based on the collaborative care model was held during 8 sessions of 90 minutes. The collected data were analyzed using chi-square, independent t, and paired t tests.

Results: The results indicated that the average age of the patients was 22.2 ± 6.73 years. Demographically, there was no significant difference between the groups. There was no significant change in the mean score of fatigue between the two intervention and control groups after the intervention compared to before the intervention, and after the intervention, no significant difference was observed in the score of the dimensions of fatigue between the two test and control groups(p>0.05).

Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated that after the completion of the research interventions in the experimental and control groups, the changes in the overall average score of the fatigue status of patients with thalassemia major are not statistically significant. Based on this, the collaborative care model did not improve the fatigue of patients with thalassemia major.

Keywords: Beta thalassemia major, Collaborative care model, Fatigue
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical
Received: 2024/01/23 | Accepted: 2024/05/21 | Published: 2024/08/3
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Karmi Tangbard Sefid A, Shams M, Ghafarian Shirazi H, Alamdari A, Zamani Habibabad H. The Effect of the Intervention Based on the Collaborative Care Model on the Fatigue of Patients with Thalassemia Major. armaghanj 2024; 29 (4) :482-496
URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-3597-en.html

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