1- Department of Counseling, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran 2- Department of operating room, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran 3- Department of Counseling, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran , n.nejatinezhad92@gmail.com 4- Department of Counseling, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7557 Views)
Background and aim: With an aging population, considering the factors affecting the quality of life more than ever is necessary. The aim of current research was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive existential therapy on quality of life of elderly people.
Methods: The current research is semi experimental with pre and post test with control group. Statistical population of research consists of all elderly people in Kahrizak nursing homes. In the first phase, the participants were selected through purposive sampling method and after responding to the quality of life questionnaire and obtaining score for enter to research they were divided in two groups of experimental and control (N = 12 per group) using random sampling method. The experimental group participated in 10 sessions of group counseling based on cognitive- existential approach and control group received no intervention. The gathered data were analyzed using covariance analysis.
Results: There was no difference between pre-test and control groups, but the mean scores of post-test experimental and control groups were statistically significant. and cognitive group therapy improves quality of life is (p=0.001). Therefore it seems that cognitive-existential group therapy increase quality of life of elderly people.
Conclusion: Cognitive Existential Group therapy utilizes concepts such as death, meaning, cognitive distortions and responsibility could increase the level ofquality of life of elderly people. Thus interventions based on this approach could be useful in improving the quality of life.
Jalili Nikoo S, karimi Z, Nejatinejad N, Bahmani B, Naghiaee M, Ghasemi Jobaneh R. Effectiveness of cognitive Existential Group therapy on quality of life of elderly people . armaghanj 2017; 21 (10) :1013-1021 URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-1341-en.html