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Indexing & Abstracting
:: Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2006) ::
__Armaghane Danesh__ 2006, 11(1): 97-104 Back to browse issues page
Survival Rate and its Related Factors in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
H Ghaffarian Shirazi 1, AR Ghaffarian Shirazi , E Hatamipoor , A Moosavizadeh , H Ghaedi , M Mohammadi Baghmallaei , A Jabarnejad
1- , gshr3@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4942 Views)
ABSTRACT: Introduction & Objective: It has been noted that the myocardial infarction is an increasing episode in Islamic Republic of Iran and there are many procedures and methods which can help to reduce the number of death from this ongoing event. The aim of this study was to determine the survival rate in those patients who have had acute myocardial infarction and its association with different variables. Materials & Methods: This descriptive analytic study evaluates 111 cases of acute myocardial infarction admitted in Yasuj Imam Sajjad hospital during the year 2004 and 2005. Data were collected using a questionnaire which was completed through direct interviewing by trained personnel. The data were analyzed by standard statistical tests using SPSS software. Results: The mean age of patients was 57± 12 years. The mean time of having access to physician after MI was 4 ± 2.2 hours. The mean time of reaching hospital after physician order was 5 ± 4.9 hours. The mean time of hospitalization was 4 ± 1.67 days. Considering the past history of these patients revealed that 31 percent were smokers, 16 percent had the history of previous ischemic heart disease, 63 percent had hypertension, 8 percent had diabetes mellitus, 95 percent had clip I, 95 percent had no previous block, 82 percent had MI with Q wave. The survival rate in our study was found to be 0.91 in the first 10 hours, 0.847 in the first day, 0.829 in the first 28 days, 0.820 in the first third months, 0.792 in the first six months and 0.771 in the first 10 months of disease. Conclusion: The mortality rate during the first month among the patients with heart failure turned out to be higher than that of the other similar studies performed in other parts of the country however, the annual survival rate proved to be less. The most important causes of survival after the stroke are being single, smoking, fatness and angina pain
Keywords: KEYWORDS:Myocardial Infarction, survival rate, Risk Factors
Full-Text [PDF 160 kb]   (1106 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/06/6 | Accepted: 2015/06/6 | Published: 2015/06/6
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Ghaffarian Shirazi H, Ghaffarian Shirazi A, Hatamipoor E, Moosavizadeh A, Ghaedi H, Mohammadi Baghmallaei M et al . Survival Rate and its Related Factors in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction . armaghanj 2006; 11 (1) :97-104
URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-753-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2006) Back to browse issues page
ارمغان دانش Armaghane Danesh
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