Background & aim: Diabetes is a common disease which is characterized by hyperglycemia and the increase of protein glycation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of aspirin-induced damage in human hemoglobin in diabetic glycation.
Materials & Methods: In this study, hemoglobin extracted from the blood of healthy individuals was incubated in the presence and absence of glucose and aspirin for 5 weeks. The rate of haem glycotation was determined in different conditions by studding products of Heam degradation, sort-band shifting and febrile state. Data were analyzed using One-Way analysis of Variance and Tukey’s test.
Results: In the presence of aspirin, the amount of glycation reduced 50%. Furthermore, studies using band-shift sorting and febrile status indicated significant reduce in the amount of protein glycation in the presence of Aspirin.
Conclusions: Aspirin reduces extent of glycation when hemoglobin is incubated in the presence of glucose. Likely, aspirin exerts its effect by acetylating amine groups in proteins.
Key words: Diabetes, Glycation, Hemoglobin, Aspirin
Divsalar A, Behroozi J, Saboury A, Poursasan N. Preservative effects of Aspirin on Human Hemoglobin glycation in Diabetic Condition. armaghanj 2013; 18 (6) :453-462 URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-227-en.html