1- Bu-Ali Sina University , mirazi205@gmail.com 2- Bu-Ali Sina University 3- Shahid Beheshti University
Abstract: (1871 Views)
Background and Objectives: Epilepsy is a very complex neurogenic disorder. Choronic epilepsy can affect memory and learning with neurochemical changes in different areas of the brain. Amitripyiline (AMT) is one of the the tricyclic antidepressants drugs that has antinociception effects. The aim of this study is evaluation of anticonvulsant and memory consolidationeffects of amitripyiline in male Wistar rats induced with Pentylentetrazole (PTZ).
Methods: In this experimental study 28male Wistar rats (200-250 g) were used and divided randomlyin 4 groups(n=7): control ( 0.5 ml salin normal), PTZ(60mg/kg), treatment 1 (PTZ + AMT10mg/kg ) and treatment 2(PTZ + AMT20mg/kg). All injections were done interaperituneally.After administration of AMT the convulsive behaviors were observed and recorded. The passive avoidance, memory acquisitionand memory recovery tests were done. All data were analyzed with one way ANOVA and Tukey tests for evalution of differences between groups.
Results: The results of this study were showed thatthe delay in myoclonic movements in treated groups with AMT were increased compaired with PTZ group.The delay in memory recovery in PTZ group was reduced significantly compare with control group.
Conclusion: AMT is able to reduce the convulsion caused by PTZ injection and also the has positive effect on memory recoveryin rats .
Mirazi N, Niazi S, Hosseini A. Amitripyiline effects on learning and memory concolidation in male seizeired Wistar rats induced with pentylentetrazole. armaghanj 2022; 27 (3) :291-304 URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-3263-en.html