1- Department of Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran 2- Department of Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran , Ebadahmadi@yahoo.com
Abstract: (1232 Views)
Background & aim: Giving importance to research and increasing research activities in each country provides appropriate contexts for the development and progress of that country. The present study was conducted to identify components related to the performance of faculty members of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The present research was a qualitative, exploratory study conducted in year of 2021. In present study, purposeful sampling was used. Data collection was performed through semi-structured in-depth interviews, face to face and telephone calls. The key participants in the study were faculty members of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, of whom 21 were selected by purposeful sampling and interviewed. Each interview lasted an average of 40 to 60 minutes. Atrid-Sterling method was also used for analysis. Results: Twenty faculty members of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences participated in the present study, 9 females (45 percent) and 11 males (55 percent). In terms of academic rank, four were full professors, 7 were associate professors, and 10 were assistant professors. Moreover, after analyzing the interview data and first coding, 80 basic themes were obtained, which were then reduced to fourteen organizing themes. To end with, global themes policy, individual and situational were identified as factors related to faculty research performance. Conclusion: To achieve a comprehensive performance in the field of research depends on proper and correct planning in this area. Situations such as team thinking, knowledge-based, and community-oriented can improve faculty members' research performance.
Hosseini M, Ahmadi E, Shahamat N, Amirianzadeh M. Investigating the Components of Research Performance of Faculty Members of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences. armaghanj 2021; 26 (5) :851-866 URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-3156-en.html