Introduction & objective: The possible risks of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields for human body are a growing concern for our society. In the modern world, the increase of using cell phones is remarkable in all generations especially young people. In addition many users hold phone close to their head. Therefore, we have studied the effect of cell phone radiation (940 MHz) on memory and learning of Balb/C mice which were exposed after delivery.
Materials & Methods: A purpose-designed exposure at a specific absorption for 3h/day from day 1 to 20 after delivery was used. Any stress response in the brain was detected in hippocampus. Behavioral performance began 2.5 month after delivery and testing was conducted in the water maze and the radial maze distinguished working and reference memory performance.
After behavioral studies, fetal heads were collected, fixed in 10% paraformaldehyde and paraffine embedded.
Results: Microwave-exposed mice were slower than sham-exposed, and cage control in swim speed (WM). Error Analyses rates reveal significant exposure effect in RAM and MWM. However, in this study the exposed group had not significantly lost their hippocampal CA3 neurons comparing to controls or sham exposed group.
Conclusion: Increased time to locate a submerged in water maze, reference memory (entries into unbaited arms), working memory (repeated entries into baited arms), show that acute exposure to pulsed microwaves caused a deficit in spatial reference memory in the mouse.
Keywords: Mobile phone, learning, memory, hippocampus
Baharara J, Moghimy A, Samareh moosavi S. Effect of Cell Phone Radiation (940 MHz) on the Learning and Memory of Balb/c mice. armaghanj 2009; 14 (2) :53-64 URL: http://armaghanj.yums.ac.ir/article-1-600-en.html